Palan de grande capacité
Je charge des références GH.
The normal headroom single girder configuration, is the traditional solution in single girder cranes when space under beam is not important. This configuration is suitable for 1/1 and 2/2 reevings hoists.
Double girder hoist with GHG bogies with a capacity of 50 t and an auxiliary GHE hoist with legs with a 10 t capacity. Duty M5 and M6, respectively for PCT Group LTD (Dubai).
Double girder hoist with GHG bogies with a capacity of 50 t and an auxiliary GHE hoist with legs with a 10 t capacity. Duty M5 and M6, respectively for PCT Group LTD (Dubai).
Hoist for marine Jib crane with 16 t capacity, 6 m arm and 9 m HOL. Client: Hotel Barcelo El Castillo. Installation Location: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Double girder EOT crane 50/3.2t lifting capacity with two hoists on one crab, Span 22.50m and HOL 10m. This crane has been manufactured by Lee Machinery (Thailand) for AIDA; Japanese company who’s activity in this plant is assembly of stamping presses.
Swivel hoists, with 600kg capacity and a lift height of 7m. Client : Redfern Flinn Cranes and Hoisting Equipment Pty Ltd Installation place : Melbourne (Australia).
Client: Orbinox Valves | Capacité: 15t
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